Saturday, February 18, 2012

Using EndNote for Citing References

At the last stage of my thesis first draft I changed one reference's author using the Edit Reference in MS Word 2007 option. Alas my EndNote cite while you write tab disappeared saying that there was a major error encountered and I had to search on the Internet and invest few hours to get it sorted (how I got it sorted it is explained in my previous Blog)

This time, when I realized what happened could have been due to this reference being changed I reverted the Author name to be the previous. (Actually I have mixed first and last names of the author). Then I inserted another entry in EndNote for correct reference and let the old reference to be there as it is. It should be possible to remove reference entries but I am not taking any chances until I get my first draft finished - well to be honest I would not risk deleting it until I finish this once and for all.

Friday, February 17, 2012

EndNote and MS Word 2007

I have been using EndNote to help me keep my referencing in place and I hoped that it will help me to speedup writing my thesis. It did the job well when my thesis was in Chapters but now that I have put everything together it is taking more and more time for a reference to be inserted, updated or changed.

But I realized how much I am dependent on it only when my Word software crashed and failed to load the tab that I used to use when citing with EndNote.

After bit of research on Internet I found how to fix it and documenting it here hoping that someone else would find it useful too.

Error when trying to load the COM Add-In: The connected state of Office Add-Ins registered in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE cannot be change

System and Software: Windows Vista Home Edition, MS Office Word 2007 Ultimate, EndNote 2x

Remedy: Click on Windows key -> hold shift key and right click on Word Icon -> Run as admin
Then click on top left word icon -> Word Options -> Add-Ins ->COM AddIns -> Cite while you write

This rectified the problem for me and hope this helps someone else too.