Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Technology, E-Learning and Distance Education

I came across the e-book
"Technology, E-Learning and Distance Education"
(Second Edition) by A.W (Tony) Bates and felt like reading it.

You will be able to find it from the follwing URL:,M1

I was able to read only up to page 87 of this book and in between also few pages were missing. However the content improved my understanding of Distance Education and e-Learning. So here I am trying to give a summary of what I learnt.

The author tries to define Distance Education and how it differs from eLearning, Some of the barriers to adaptation of technology for distance education and distance teaching and learning most importantly how these barriers can be removed.
He argues that the newer technologies are not necessarily better or worse for teaching or learning but they are different from the existing technologies.

Distinction between open learning, Distance education and flexible learning was another important thing I learnt. According to the author "Open learning is a goal or education policy where barriers to learning is removed". Ideally no one should be denied of access to an open learning program.
Distance education is more a method than a philosophy. Students can study at there wish at any place and without face to face contact with a teacher. Technology is critical for distance education.
Flexible learning may include distance learning, often associated with increased access. May have face to face trainings as well.

Author identifies three generations of distance education.
First generation of distance education - predominating use of print media correspondence education. Second generation - integration of multiple media. Third generation distance education - based on two way communications.

Online learning is using web and internet for learning and elearning can encompass any form of telecommunications and computer based learning.

Why eLearning, Open learning and distance learning?
1. Economic competitiveness –able to leverage the advantage of advanced educational systems. technology savy graduates, ensuring competitiveness though continual learning without high costs of travel time away from work.
2. Life long learning.
3. Social quality and access
4. Better education
5. Cost effectiveness
6. Geography
7. Commercialization of education

Private eLearning institutes falls into 3 categories
1. Content providers providing just in time courses to corporate clients
2. Technology providers developing and selling platforms and other elearning technologies
3. Service providers act as consultants and provide turn key elearning solutions to corporate clients

Some of the very prestigious universities failed in their attempts to cash in eLearning. UK e-University, New York University, Temple University, the University of Chicago, University of Melbourne etc are some examples. Most institutes did not understand the business of eLearning and the cost structures. Almost all institutes lost money were new to distance education.

Technologies used in distance education
1. Broadcast (one-way) and communication (two-way) – advantage of broadcast is that it ensures common standard of learning material however it has the disadvantage of needing additional resources to provide interaction with teachers or other learners.
2. Synchronous and asynchronous technology – synchronous technologies operate in real time.

As author very correctly puts it the ubiquity of the internet and the Web has lead many to assume this technology is better for teaching and learning. However disadvantages like lack of access, high cost in some contexts can exist with this.
Factors for selecting and using technology in distance education:
3.Teaching and Learning
4.Interactivity and user friendliness
5.Organizational Issues
This is the ACTIONS framework that was developed in 1988 for distance learning
For on campus learning the framework was changed to SECTIONS adding Students and Ease of use to the framework.

According to the authoer "Teaching and learning" is a weak discriminator for selecting technology. Discriminating based on access or cost may be a better.

Dual mode model: Here the universities use same set of notes for in campus students as well as distant students. However the appropriateness and quality of the material is at stake for a distant learner.


Atulya Education said...

Nice Blog post..........It is a very easy to way to complete our education.Thanks for posting such informative content.Keep posting.
Distance Learning in India

Tharindu said...

Thanks, actually this book was very useful to me and luckily the University of Reading library had a copy.